The DI2000™ Inserting Systems

Performance meets uncompromising accuracy

The DI2000 Inserting Systems gives you fast, high volume productivity and the best in visibility, all in a small footprint.

Productivity with the proof its right. Its expected that you successfully insert your documents into a single envelope with virtually flawless accuracy. The DI2000 inserting system maintains the highest levels of performance during peak processing periods. The precision mail-piece tracking and monitoring ensures accurate processing for each page of every mail piece. Reliability and flexibility for your most important jobs. The DI2000 is built on the unparalleled reliability a proven platform. Its intuitive graphical user interface is designed to save you valuable production time. Plus, with its simple job set up and recall for common applications, you’ll be able to reduce your changeover times. The easy, tool-less setup makes job changeover simpler than ever.